The Christians in the church in Pergamum were permitting, no doubt in the name of toleration and inclusiveness, the teaching of Balaam. Balaam advised the Midianite women how to lead the Israelites away from God (Num. 25:1-2; 31:16). He serves as a prototype of all corrupt teachers who seek to deceive believers into compromise and accommodation with worldliness.
This past month in Portland Oregon, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) met for its biennial exercise in cultural accommodation. Little of good note was accomplished. On the other hand there was the usual laundry list of behaviors reminiscent of the 7 churches in Revelation 2 & 3. Most offensive and in my opinion apostate was the inclusion of prayer by a Muslim Iman praying to a false god. This, in the course of what was promoted as worship – not interfaith dialogue, not mutual support, but worship. In that light, it was both apostate and heretical. Here is a brief description of what occurred:
The OGA (Office of the General Assembly) leadership deliberately designed this service not simply as an ecumenical affair (inviting leaders from other Christian denominations to help lead) but also as an interfaith event (inviting one leader from an anti-Christian religion — Islam). Not surprisingly, the Muslim iman, Wajdi Said, led the assembly in a prayer in Arabic from the Qur’an, and then proceeded to speak a prayer to Allah in English seeking the conversion of all there to Islam, and demoting Jesus to a status equal to other prophets, including non-biblical ones (Ishmael and Muhammad). The final part of the liturgy he read was something he, together with the denominational designers, must have created — it was a prayer based on four passages from the Qur’an (there was nothing recognizable from the Bible), and was in printed form as well as projected on screen for the assembly.
This but one more piece of evidence speaking to the death of a once faithful denomination. It is not (by any means) the first instance of such heresy and I suspect it will not be the last.
It is not enough to call yourself a church. Those who shun Biblical doctrine and choose cultural accommodation over Christian doctrine simply pander to the world. Christ's Church exists for a reason. It has a purpose. We are called to it to perform a service. People who attend merely for the "community and social causes" will never bear fruit for the kingdom.
The Nicolaitans condemned in The Revelation of John were a heretical sect within the church. They taught and promoted a theology of accommodation with the cultural norms of their world. They did so to save themselves from the trouble of actually helping those who were caught up in sinful behavior. This is still true of the formerly mainline and now simply sideline churches.
- Rather than help the sexually confused and hurting, the modern Nicolaitans condone the behavior.
- Rather than stand up for the life of the unborn child, they condone unrestricted abortion on demand.
- Rather than learn how to be responsible parents, they neglect discipline. There is a lot of talk about "love." But what about "guidance" and discipline?
- Rather than stand up for what the Bible teaches, they appease the world.
Far from being more compassionate, modern Nicolaitans are just avoiding the price of obeying the word of God.
Every Christian should be prepared to be different from the world around him. The most common word for believers in the New Testament is hagios, which means different, separate, holy.
On Jun 22 in the 2016 General Assembly (PCUSA) “Allah bless us and bless our families and bless our Lord. Lead us on the straight path – the path of all the prophets: Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad,” and so went the prayer offered up by Wajidi Said, from the Portland Muslim Community, as part of the “first order of business” during the opening plenary session of the 222nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
The PCUSA was trying to be inclusive. They did not mean to offend anyone. But when anyone or any group ignores the Word of God and tries to accommodate the world, they will offend God and repulse the faithful.
- When anyone or any group tries to accommodate the world, they offend Christ.
- When anyone or any group offers prayer in any other name than Jesus’, they offend God and their prayer is not honored.
--Pastor Jim