Rev. Michelle
Friday, September 30, 2016
The Coming Storm
Fall is so not here yet. Most times as I lament about the never-ending Florida heat when I leave my air conditioned house, I never think about anywhere else. I move along my day. Today is different. While it is still hot, the weather is gorgeous. The sun is out, the sky is blue, and work proceeds as normal. Things are not like this everywhere in the world. Today in Haiti, people are bracing for the worst. Hurricane Matthew, a category 5 storm, will be barreling through their towns and homes by the time this blog posts. They have been decimated by storms and an earthquake over the past few years and here comes one more. As I sit looking outside at the beautiful Florida day, I can’t help but think, and pray, and lament for those who look out their window and fear fills their soul. And as a Christian, I know I must do more. We are called to go, and serve, to pray, to provide financial, physical and spiritual help to those who are consumed within the raging storm. And for those who stand broken afterwards. So please join with me in prayer, and come back to this blog for ways that you can help. Our Haitian and Jamaican brothers and sisters need us. May we go where He has called us.
Rev. Michelle
Rev. Michelle