Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. How is 2017 flying by? It feels as if we just took down the Christmas trees, and ran to Target to buy some Valentines gifts for the kids. Now here we are, preparing for Easter. I don’t know if I’m ready to walk the road to the cross with Jesus. I feel like the disciples scrambling when Jesus asked them to “Follow Me”. But Jesus, I still have something left to do. I have a to-do list undone, we can’t be focusing on Easter yet. Time can’t be moving so fast.
But here we are, nonetheless.
For us in the Western world, Ash Wednesday kicks off the season of Lent. The 40 days before Easter (excluding Sundays). We prepare for Easter in these 40 days by doing a variety of things. Some people give up things (chocolate, wine, facebook). Some people add things (Bible readings, prayer time, meditation). It really doesn’t matter which path you chose. The main goal of Lent is to FOCUS. To focus in on the One who was, who Is, and who is yet to come. This is a time when we try and throw off all that holds us too tightly to this world and FOCUS on God. To see where God is in our lives. To listen to His still voice. To find Him and let Him guide us. To let God in, or back in, as the center of our heart and our lives. We are preparing to meet Him at the cross, to see the victory for our salvation.
So I encourage you to pray about this Lenten season. What is God calling you to do, or not do, during this time of preparation. Come to an Ash Wednesday service. Join in with other believers who are recommitting their lives to Christ on this Easter journey. Ash Wednesday is a time when we are one body preparing ourselves for the hard work of Lent to enjoy the great celebration of Easter.
He is coming my friends. Let’s get ready.
Rev. Michelle